Don’t be fooled that only those masked, hooded crooks sitting in an underground basement hunched over a computer can perpetuate fraud. Anyone can commit fraud, if they have the incentive. Document fraud especially, can be perpetuated by all sorts of everyday people who could be very close to the transaction. You don’t need specific skills or knowledge, just a determination to commit. Here is a story of what could have been a possible document fraud case, and our attempts to protect us and the parties involved.
Here is a case that could have turned bad, bad, bad, if not for gut feelings –
Escrow Manager

Good news! “The Art of Escrow” is out! Look for it on!
The Art of Escrow:
The Fight For Your American Dream and the Pursuit of Homeownership
Available now at
- Threats to Escrow – Part 5 – Document Fraud! - May 19, 2023
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- When the FIRPTA
Withholding Goes Wrong - February 20, 2019
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